


Azerbaijan, Georgiai, Iraq

Invited Countries

19 - 26 Years Old Girls and Boys

Participant Profile

100 Young (50 Girls-50 Boys)

Number Of Participants


The camp organization team will consist of 3 people from the ALFA Youth and Sports Club and one woman and one man from each participating country, one of which is the head of the convoy. The organization team consists of 9 people. The camp will be a tented camp. Each tent will accommodate 3 people. Incoming participants will be divided into teams of 6 and 7 according to the total number of participants. Teams will be formed separately as male and female teams.


• Campers will bring their own personal equipment. • Participants must be fully vaccinated before coming to the camp. Vaccination cards will be checked at the entrance to the camp and fever will be measured. • It is forbidden to bring weapons or sharp objects into the camp. • It is strictly forbidden to light fires outside the designated places in the campsite. • Participants of the camp are deemed to have accepted all kinds of security measures, including the search for clothes and bags to be determined by the security team. Participants who do not want to comply with these measures will not be able to enter the camp, nor will the camp fee be refunded. • The camp management has the right to make changes in the program. Possible changes in the camp program do not constitute a reason for a full or partial refund of the camp fee. • Video and audio recording will be made by the press and the camp management. Camp participants are deemed to have accepted to be viewed. • Each participant must read and approve the camp agreement on the web page.